Wednesday 18 December 2013

The Slut Vote: Abortion.

Hello Readers. It's been awhile, let's talk about Rocking The Slut Vote.

I'm not a feminist, but I rock the SLUT vote hard! I love sex and love birth control. I don't need justify that I didn't ask to be raped. I believe in abortion rights for all woman. An adoptee supporting abortion? Well if there's not a legal way to do it, people will find other ways and none of us want that, do we?

Honestly people can abort, not abort, put up the baby for adoption, or keep the baby. That's not up to me. It's their body and their life. But for me personally, I could never abort my baby or give my child up for adoption. I'm a Korean adoptee, and my birth mother was raped by two male burglars. I was conceived through rape.

I am a rape baby who's been verbally sexually harassed, sexually assaulted, molested, and raped. But my birthmother put the part of me that was her first, and I can't imagine myself doing it any other way. Because of how I came into this world I believe if the fetus is aborted, but is still alive it should have it's own set of laws as a person, not the mother's property. If you didn't know born alive fetuses are considers the mother's property, not her child. She has ownership of "it" and it is illegal to save the fetus, or help it die quicker or painlessly.

A born alive fetus should be considered separate from the mother. If born alive we should be allowed to save the fetus' life, that's what all living things want right? Think of it as an extreme case of coming across someone that's unconscious and not breathing. Since they're unable to speak for themselves, it's legally assumed they want to live and if certified you can start helping them. I believe abortion should be legal, but a once the fetus has left the mother's body. She should not have ownership of it.

Do what's right for you, but also consider all the possibilities of doing the opposite. 


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